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发表于 2014-10-13 17:09:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-16 15:15:38 | 显示全部楼层
[C++] 纯文本查看 复制代码
RTMP_SendPacket(RTMP *r, RTMPPacket *packet, int queue)
  const RTMPPacket *prevPacket = r->m_vecChannelsOut[packet->m_nChannel];
  uint32_t last = 0;
  int nSize;
  int hSize, cSize;
  char *header, *hptr, *hend, hbuf[RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE], c;
  uint32_t t;
  char *buffer, *tbuf = NULL, *toff = NULL;
  int nChunkSize;
  int tlen;

  if (prevPacket && packet->m_headerType != RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE)
      /* compress a bit by using the prev packet's attributes */
      if (prevPacket->m_nBodySize == packet->m_nBodySize
	  && prevPacket->m_packetType == packet->m_packetType
	  && packet->m_headerType == RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM)
	packet->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_SMALL;

      if (prevPacket->m_nTimeStamp == packet->m_nTimeStamp
	  && packet->m_headerType == RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_SMALL)
	packet->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MINIMUM;
      last = prevPacket->m_nTimeStamp;

  if (packet->m_headerType > 3)	/* sanity */
      RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "sanity failed!! trying to send header of type: 0x%02x.",
	  (unsigned char)packet->m_headerType);
      return FALSE;

  nSize = packetSize[packet->m_headerType];
  hSize = nSize; cSize = 0;
  t = packet->m_nTimeStamp - last;

  if (packet->m_body)
      header = packet->m_body - nSize;
      hend = packet->m_body;
      header = hbuf + 6;
      hend = hbuf + sizeof(hbuf);

  if (packet->m_nChannel > 319)
    cSize = 2;
  else if (packet->m_nChannel > 63)
    cSize = 1;
  if (cSize)
      header -= cSize;
      hSize += cSize;

  if (nSize > 1 && t >= 0xffffff)
      header -= 4;
      hSize += 4;

  hptr = header;
  c = packet->m_headerType << 6;
  switch (cSize)
    case 0:
      c |= packet->m_nChannel;
    case 1:
    case 2:
      c |= 1;
  *hptr++ = c;
  if (cSize)
      int tmp = packet->m_nChannel - 64;
      *hptr++ = tmp & 0xff;
      if (cSize == 2)
	*hptr++ = tmp >> 8;

  if (nSize > 1)
      hptr = AMF_EncodeInt24(hptr, hend, t > 0xffffff ? 0xffffff : t);

  if (nSize > 4)
      hptr = AMF_EncodeInt24(hptr, hend, packet->m_nBodySize);
      *hptr++ = packet->m_packetType;

  if (nSize > 8)
    hptr += EncodeInt32LE(hptr, packet->m_nInfoField2);

  if (nSize > 1 && t >= 0xffffff)
    hptr = AMF_EncodeInt32(hptr, hend, t);

  nSize = packet->m_nBodySize;
  buffer = packet->m_body;
  nChunkSize = r->m_outChunkSize;

//   RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG2, "%s: fd=%d, size=%d", __FUNCTION__, r->m_sb.sb_socket,
//       nSize);
  /* send all chunks in one HTTP request */
  if (r->Link.protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_HTTP)
      int chunks = (nSize+nChunkSize-1) / nChunkSize;
      if (chunks > 1)
	  tlen = chunks * (cSize + 1) + nSize + hSize;
	  tbuf = malloc(tlen);
	  if (!tbuf)
	    return FALSE;
	  toff = tbuf;
  while (nSize + hSize)
      int wrote;

      if (nSize < nChunkSize)
	nChunkSize = nSize;

      RTMP_LogHexString(RTMP_LOGDEBUG2, (uint8_t *)header, hSize);
      RTMP_LogHexString(RTMP_LOGDEBUG2, (uint8_t *)buffer, nChunkSize);
      if (tbuf)
	  memcpy(toff, header, nChunkSize + hSize);
	  toff += nChunkSize + hSize;
	  wrote = WriteN(r, header, nChunkSize + hSize);
	  if (!wrote)
	    return FALSE;
      nSize -= nChunkSize;
      buffer += nChunkSize;
      hSize = 0;

      if (nSize > 0)
	  header = buffer - 1;
	  hSize = 1;
	  if (cSize)
	      header -= cSize;
	      hSize += cSize;
	  if (t >= 0xffffff)//added by fc
		  header -= 4;
		  hSize += 4;
	  }//added end

	  *header = (0xc0 | c);
	  if (cSize)
	      int tmp = packet->m_nChannel - 64;
	      header[1] = tmp & 0xff;
	      if (cSize == 2)
		header[2] = tmp >> 8;
	  if (t >= 0xffffff)//added by fc 
			AMF_EncodeInt32(header + (cSize > 1? 2 : 1), header + (cSize > 1? 2: 1) + 4, t);
	  }//added end

  if (tbuf)
      int wrote = WriteN(r, tbuf, toff-tbuf);
      tbuf = NULL;
      if (!wrote)
        return FALSE;

  /* we invoked a remote method */
  if (packet->m_packetType == 0x14)
      AVal method;
      char *ptr;
      ptr = packet->m_body + 1;
      AMF_DecodeString(ptr, &method);
      RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Invoking %s", method.av_val);
      /* keep it in call queue till result arrives */
      if (queue) {
        int txn;
        ptr += 3 + method.av_len;
        txn = (int)AMF_DecodeNumber(ptr);
	AV_queue(&r->m_methodCalls, &r->m_numCalls, &method, txn);

  if (!r->m_vecChannelsOut[packet->m_nChannel])
    r->m_vecChannelsOut[packet->m_nChannel] = malloc(sizeof(RTMPPacket));
  memcpy(r->m_vecChannelsOut[packet->m_nChannel], packet, sizeof(RTMPPacket));
  return TRUE;


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